Healthy Heart Tips: Causes of Low HDL Cholesterol Levels

Healthy Heart Tips: Causes of Low HDL Cholesterol Levels
Healthy Heart Tips: Causes of Low HDL Cholesterol Levels - High-density lipoprotein or HDL (also known as "good cholesterol") is a beneficial component that can prevent plaque and arterial blockage. Clogged arteries can lead to heart attack and stroke.

When low levels of HDL cholesterol, the body can not eliminate low-density lipoprotein (LDL, also known as "bad" cholesterol), so that the buildup of arterial plaque is more likely to occur.

The second type of cholesterol (HDL and LDL) required to maintain body functions remain normal, it's just that the balance needs to be maintained.

LDL levels below 100 mg / dl and HDL above 60 mg / dl is considered optimal.

Here are two things that lead to low HDL cholesterol levels.

Low HDL levels due Lifestyle

Low levels of HDL cholesterol is strongly influenced by diet. In addition to diet, certain lifestyle can also cause the same thing.

For example, obesity and type 2 diabetes are known to limit the amount of HDL in the blood stream.

Lack of regular exercise, high blood pressure, and smoking also contribute to low levels of HDL.

Quitting smoking, regular aerobic exercise (road, jogging or swimming), and lose excess weight would be beneficial to maintain the proper level of HDL cholesterol.

Low HDL due Diet

Another reason for the low levels of HDL is due to not eating the right foods.

Monounsaturated oils, such as olive, peanut, and canola oils, tend to increase levels of HDL cholesterol.

However, make sure the oil is not hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated, because hydrogenated oils contain trans fats which have a negative effect on HDL.

For this reason, always check food labels to avoid trans fats and hydrogenated oils.

Omega-3 fatty acids can also help balance the levels of LDL and HDL. Lack of essential nutrients can contribute to low HDL number.

To correct this condition, the consumption of hemp seeds and a variety of fish such as salmon and tuna.

The need for omega-3 fatty acids can also be met through fish oil supplements and flax seed oil capsules.

Although carbohydrates needed by the body, diet with more than 60% can be trusted to make a low carb HDL cholesterol levels.