[TIPS] 8 Chemotherapy Side Effects and How to Overcome It

[TIPS] 8 Chemotherapy Side Effects and How to Overcome It
[TIPS] 8 Chemotherapy Side Effects and How to Overcome It - One treatment of cancer is the most common chemotherapy (chemotherapy).

But unfortunately, many leave the complaints and chemotherapy side effects for cancer patients.

The following will discuss the most common side effects of chemotherapy along with ways to overcome them.

1. hair loss

Hair loss can interfere with performance and a concern by both men and women. Hair loss can be 'hidden' with wigs, hats, or bandanas.

Most salons may offer consultations to help patients improve the appearance and self-image during chemotherapy.

2. nausea

Here are tips to overcome the nausea caused by chemotherapy:

a. Anti-vomiting drug

Anti-vomiting drugs are very effective in minimizing or eliminating nausea. Ask your doctor about the type of drug and the right dose.

b. Use of plastic cutlery

Instead of using metal utensils, try to use plastic cutlery to avoid the metallic taste that can trigger nausea.

c. ginger

Ginger is a powerful herb to relieve nausea. Ginger is even used by NASA as a hangover for the astronauts.

d. Peppermint

In addition to ginger, peppermint is known to relieve nausea naturally.

e. candy

Several types of sweets such as mint and tart citrus is known to relieve mild nausea.

f. saltines

Salty crackers are known to absorb excess saliva that often contributed to the nausea and stomach acid is able to minimize.

g. vitamin B6

Dose of 50 mg of vitamin B6 can minimize nausea.

3. throw up

a. Eat small meals but more often, instead of eating at the same time in large portions.

b. Avoid drinking too much of one hour before and after meals.

b. Avoid drinking too much of one hour before and after meals.

c. Eat warm foods.

d. Drink little by little, instead of directly to many.

f. Anti-vomiting drug could also try to suppress vomiting.

4. Weight loss

Some nutritional supplements consumed would be ideal to help prevent weight loss is too extreme. Consult with your doctor about what supplements are suitable and safe.

5. diarrhea

a. Eat bananas, white bread, plain yogurt, eggs, potatoes, chicken, or turkey to reduce diarrhea.

b. ORS and drinking lots of water to cope with the loss of body fluids and electrolytes.

c. Avoid dairy, caffeine, raw vegetables, fried foods, nuts, seeds, and popcorn.

d. Avoid both hot and cold drinks which can stimulate bowel motility.

6. fatigue

a. Take a short nap, but more often, instead of one long nap.

b. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin B12 such as meat, milk, fish, or take a vitamin B12 supplement.

c. Drink plenty of fluids.

d. Try to do a little exercise to improve the body's energy levels.

7. painful

a. meditation

Try meditation techniques, yoga or breathing to help cope with stress and pain caused by cancer and chemotherapy.

b. acupuncture

Acupuncture can also help relieve pain and various other symptoms who related side effects of chemotherapy.

c. massage

Massage therapy can reduce muscle pain as well as stress.

d. Anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory medications may be an option for chemotherapy and after undergoing a surgical procedure.

8. depression

a. Join a local support group or other online communities. Such communities can be a place to share and get support.

b. Exercise can help release a variety of chemicals that the body is able to fight depression and stress.

c. Pamper yourself. Manicure, a new pair of shoes, or take short breaks can help reduce levels of depression.

d. Prescription antidepressants can reduce the emotional and physical symptoms of depression that allows the patient to focus on treatment and recovery.

e. Personal counseling can help patients and their families cope with emotional instability, anxiety, and difficulties that accompany cancer and chemotherapy.