5 Foods That Contain Probiotics - Healthy Diet Tips

5 Foods That Contain Probiotics - Healthy Diet Tips
5 Foods That Contain Probiotics - Healthy Diet Tips - Probiotics is a term given to the good bacteria that are beneficial to support human health.

Various studies have shown that probiotics can prevent and treat some types of diarrhea and beneficial for digestive health in general.

A healthy digestion is important to prevent the disease, so knowing more about probiotic-rich foods will help you achieve better health status.

Here are some foods that contain probiotics:

1. yogurt

Most types of yogurt is a probiotic. When specifically buy probiotic yogurt, you need to make sure that the product does not undergo pasteurization because it will kill the active bacteria in it.

Some yogurt labeled that the product contains "live active cultures" while other products may not include them. Do a little research to find out which products containing probiotics.

Probiotic organisms commonly found in yogurt are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus termophilus. Another type of probiotics can also be found is L. acidophilus, L. casei, L. reuteri and bifidus.

2. kefir

Kefir is similar to yogurt, but the alcohol content in it.

Kefir made ​​from kefir grains, which are soaked in milk and allowed to ferment. Unlike yogurt, kefir can also be made from soy. Some of the bacteria found in kefir is kefiri Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, and Lactococcus.

Kefir is especially popular in the Middle East and in Europe, and may be difficult to find in other areas.

3. fermented Cabbage

In Korea, the fermented cabbage called kimchi, being in Germany known as sauerkraut.

Kimchi is made by soaking the cabbage in salt water and left to ferment.

In addition to salt water, a solution of acetic acid is also commonly used to speed up the process.

When shopping kimchi or sauerkraut probiotics, make sure the product does not contain sodium benzoate because it can kill the good bacteria or probiotics.

4. miso

Miso is made from fermented know. Miso is usually processed into soup and served in many Japanese restaurants.

You can buy miso in dry form or pasta. Not recommended to consume miso too often because it has a high salt content.

In addition, it is advisable to buy miso paste, miso dry as possible has been pasteurized or treated with sodium benzoate so it kills the good bacteria (probiotics).

5. Added probiotic foods

Many food manufacturers are adding probiotics into their products. Food products are often added probiotics include cereals, juices, and more.