Health Tips: 5 Causes of Premature Atherosclerosis in Young Age

Health Tips: 5 Causes of Premature Atherosclerosis in Young Age
Health Tips: 5 Causes of Premature Atherosclerosis in Young Age - Atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis) is a cardiac disorder characterized by hardening of the arteries.

Arteries become hardened or clogged when plaque builds up in the walls of arteries that restricts blood flow to the tissues of the heart and other organs.

Atherosclerosis occurs over many years, and can be started at the young man.

Lifestyle or certain medical conditions can cause atherosclerosis occurs at an early age.

Here is the cause of atherosclerosis at a young age:

1. Autoimmune diseases

Individuals who suffer from autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus and Wegener's granulomatosis will have a greater risk of developing atherosclerosis at a young age.

2. Metabolic Syndrome

According to the "Journal Watch," individuals with metabolic syndrome (also called insulin resistance syndrome) are at increased risk of developing atherosclerosis at a young age.

These individuals usually are obese, diabetic, and has high blood pressure.

3. Hyperandrogenic Chronic anovulation (CHA)

Individuals with CHA are at greater risk for experiencing premature atherosclerosis.

CHA is a condition associated with menstruation. Those who experience the CHA may also be obese and suffer from hirsutism.

4. diabetes

Mayo Clinic states that individuals with diabetes are also at greater risk of developing atherosclerosis at an early age.

5. tobacco smoke

Smokers more likely to develop atherosclerosis at a younger age than individuals who do not smoke.