Tips to Speed ​​up Your Pregnancy using Isoflavone Supplements

Tips to Speed ​​up Your Pregnancy using Isoflavone Supplements
Tips to Speed ​​up Your Pregnancy using Isoflavone Supplements - If you want to get pregnant, there are natural ways to induce ovulation.

To realize the desire to get a baby, you could consider taking soy isoflavone supplements.

Most experts recommend that you avoid eating soy or taking soy supplements while trying to conceive.

This is because soy isoflavones are plant sources of estrogen and affect the menstrual cycle of women.

However, research is still showing different results regarding the effect of soy on fertility.

Taking soy isoflavones during the menstrual cycle can have the same effect as clomiphene citrate.

Clomiphene citrate, or "clomid," the same as soy isoflavones can induce ovulation by "tricking" the body to produce more estrogen.

It is advisable to consult with your doctor or health care provider before taking isoflavone supplements or dietary changes.

Here are tips using isoflavone supplements as a trigger to induce ovulation pregnancy:

1. Buy good quality soy isoflavone supplements.

Isoflavone supplements can be obtained in pharmacies and drug stores. Most of the supplements containing 40 mg of soy isoflavones.

2. Take supplements at the right time.

Soy isoflavones must be taken at the appropriate time in the menstrual cycle to get the desired effect.

Ideal time to take isoflavones is between 3 to 5 days after the start of menstrual periods.

3. Take the right dose supplements.

Take about 80 mg of soy isoflavones per day with food. To achieve a dose of 80 mg is usually at least two pills should be taken at once. However, make sure check the label to determine how many supplements that should be taken.

Time taking supplements is not too important, but you have to take supplements at the same time every day.

Many women prefer to take supplements at night to avoid the side effects that may interfere with activity during the day.

4. Repeat for at least 5 days.

Repeat the above doses for 5 days, and stop.

Taking isoflavone supplements more than 5 days can actually have a negative impact on ovulation and delay the natural menstrual cycle.

5. Check your basal body temperature.

Track your fertility using basal body temperature. If there is no sign of ovulation, you may want to increase the dose of isoflavones.

Be sure to consult with your doctor before deciding to increase the dose of isoflavone supplements.