Healthy Heart: How it Works HDL Cholesterol to Prevent Heart Disease

Healthy Heart: How it Works HDL Cholesterol to Prevent Heart Disease
Healthy Heart: How it Works HDL Cholesterol to Prevent Heart Disease - Heart disease is one of the major killers in the world.

Although deadly, heart disease can largely be prevented. Including part of prevention is to understand the difference between good and bad cholesterol.

This article will focus on good cholesterol or HDL, and how HDL can help fight heart disease.

Technically, any condition that can negatively affect the heart called a heart disease.

Heart disease can strike at any time. One type of heart disease is coronary heart disease often attacks involving blockage of the arteries.

Artery blockage and Cholesterol

If clogged arteries, the heart must work harder to pump blood. Blockage of the arteries caused by plaque.

Plaque is made up of fibrous tissue death of an artery is damaged and fatty deposits known as cholesterol.

As mentioned previously, there are two types of cholesterol: Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), which is also called bad cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol.

LDL is the type that causes clogged arteries. According, LDL cholesterol levels should not exceed 100mg/dl.

LDL can be cleared from the blood stream with the help of HDL cholesterol. LDL and HDL will clean mengirmkannya to heart.

How to Increase HDL

Have knowledge of the cholesterol content in various foods can help you fight heart disease.

Cholesterol is produced naturally by the liver, thus balancing the intake of cholesterol can be beneficial.

Plant foods generally contain no cholesterol, on the contrary, almost all animal foods contain cholesterol.

Although there are foods that can lower LDL, there is no food that can increase HDL cholesterol significantly.

Some foods that can reduce levels of LDL are blueberries, garlic, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Physical activity and exercise can also play a role. Mayo Clinic says that doing 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day for a month can increase HDL levels by 5 percent.

Lose excess weight can also increase HDL by 1 percent for every 3 kg of weight loss.