Know 4 Organisms that Make Lactic Acid Fermentation

Know 4 Organisms that Make Lactic Acid Fermentation
Know 4 Organisms that Make Lactic Acid Fermentation - Lactic acid is a waste product from the breakdown of glucose that occurs in some organisms.

The process of respiration, in which cells convert glucose into energy, producing lactic acid as a byproduct.

Lactic acid is formed when the process of respiration in the absence or lack of oxygen. The process of respiration without oxygen is also referred to as fermentation.

Here is an organism that does lactic acid fermentation process.

1. bacterium

Not all bacteria produce lactic acid. In particular, only bacteria "non-respiring, non-spore forming" just a form lactic acid.

These bacteria are utilized by humans because lactic acid fermentation process helps the bread, alcohol, and dairy products.

Some bacteria such as Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus lactis is used in the process of making yogurt and cheese.

2. Homofermenters and Heterofermenters

Two other types of bacteria also produce lactic acid. The first type is homofermenters bacteria that only produce lactic acid as a waste product.

The second is being heterofermenters bacteria, producing lactic acid and two additional waste products, ethanol and carbon dioxide.

Heterofermenters used to make beer and ethanol. Carbon dioxide will usually be removed in the refining process.

3. Special organisms

Bacteria that produce lactic acid are found in a particular environment within the body of an organism in which there is glucose.

For example, some lactic acid bacteria can be found in green vegetables or in the intestines of animals.

This is because bacteria require certain carbohydrates in a low oxygen environment to survive.

In return, the resulting lactic acid protects cells from damage plant or animal pathogens or bacterial attack.

4. Muscles Animals and Humans

Animal muscles of lactic acid fermentation in certain circumstances.

Lactic acid fermentation occurs when not enough oxygen is available when muscles are stressed, during exercise or physical activity.

Muscle cells, in response to less oxygen is available then start the fermentation process.

Lactic acid from fermentation helps the muscles get the energy for physical activity.