What is Lactic Acidosis? Signs & Symptoms of Lactic Acidosis

What is Lactic Acidosis? Signs & Symptoms of Lactic Acidosis
What is Lactic Acidosis? Signs & Symptoms of Lactic Acidosis - When oxygen levels drop too low in the body, carbohydrates are broken down in the body to create energy with the side effects of lactic acid.

Lactic acid levels can increase during exercise or strenuous physical activity, and when a particular disease reduces the flow of blood and oxygen.

High levels of lactic acid will cause lactic acidosis (lactic acidosis), a rare disorder but can be life-threatening.

Risk Factors

Some health conditions may be risk factors for lactic acidosis.

These conditions include impaired kidney and lung, liver or heart disease, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, and certain genetic disorders.

Some medications, such as metformin for type 2 diabetes, and drugs used to fight HIV also increases the risk of lactic acidosis.

In addition, people who have heart failure, or shock can also develop lactic acidosis.

Main symptoms

While it is important to identify early lactic acidosis, it can be difficult because the symptoms are similar to other health problems.

Identifying the symptoms of lactic acid can be more difficult when the other person has a chronic illness that makes it even more subtle.

Early symptoms of lactic acidosis include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting and severe.

Patients with lactic acidosis generally will feel cold, especially in the arms and legs. Other symptoms would include fatigue and weakness and muscle pain.

Other symptoms

Other symptoms of lactic acidosis will also cover more rapid breathing, difficulty breathing, sweating, moist skin, and bad breath.

Low oxygen can result in the hands or feet turn blue. Individuals can become drowsy and dizzy.

developments Conditions

If left untreated, symptoms of lactic acidosis may develop into an enlarged liver, a very low blood pressure, slowed heart rate, irregular heartbeat, fainting, and coma. Lactic acidosis is not treated it can be fatal.


Diagnosis of lactic acidosis is determined through a blood test. Treatment will involve identifying and correcting the underlying cause of the condition.

Your doctor may give you medicine to make blood more alkaline nature. Dialysis treatment is another possibility.