Healthy Diet Tips: Health Benefits of Probiotics

Healthy Diet Tips: Health Benefits of Probiotics
Healthy Diet Tips: Health Benefits of Probiotics - Probiotics are often touted beneficial for health, it can even help you lose weight.

This article reviews the potential health benefits of probiotics, but still trying realistic due to the lack of scientific data to support the health claims of probiotics.


Probiotics are microorganisms that are often referred to as bacterial "healthy" or "good" bacteria.

According to the WHO definition, probiotics are "live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit to the body."

With the added health benefits of probiotics in a person's diet is still being debated because there has been no definitive evidence.

Although there is strong scientific evidence, many believe the potential of probiotics to boost immunity and many other nutritional benefits.

Probiotics form

Probiotics can be found in nature and in supplement form. Food containing probiotics include yogurt, edamame (soy) and soy-based foods such as miso, tempeh, and tofu.

Probiotics can also be added to food or can be purchased in supplement form.


The potential health benefits of probiotics comes from its ability to balance the good and bad bacteria in the body.

Good bacteria essential for building the immune system as a protection against pathogenic microorganisms that cause disease, and aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients.

There are some potential health problems that can be helped by probiotic intake.

This list includes: diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), tooth decay and periodontal disease, v'ginal infections, and respiratory infections and stomach.


Although it has many benefits, there are still health risks that should be considered before someone put probiotics into their diet.

People in certain categories such as children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are considered to have a higher risk of side effects of probiotics.

Probiotics side effects are relatively mild and mainly consisted of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with production such as gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort.

There is also the theory that too much probiotics can cause infection, metabolic disorders, and excessive reaction by the immune system.


Because of the effectiveness of probiotics has not been supported by rigorous scientific study, one must consult a doctor before starting taking probiotics.

Probiotics are intended to supplement, not substitute for, health care that is being done.