Information Nutritional Content Of Coconut Milk - Healthy Diet Tips

Information Nutritional Content Of Coconut Milk - Healthy Diet Tips
Information Nutritional Content Of Coconut Milk - Healthy Diet Tips - Coconut milk is a nutrient-rich diet, containing calcium, Omega 3 fats, fiber, and protein.

Coconut milk is a versatile food ingredient that can be used to cook a variety of foods and is used to make a variety of cakes.

The chemical composition of the milk does not change when cooked so it will not lose its nutritional value.

Here is the content of nutrients in coconut milk.


One tbsp. coconut milk contains about 120 calories. This value is quite high, so consume in moderate amounts.

Consumption of about one tablespoon of milk per day is enough to meet the body's need for omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that are needed by the body.


Coconut milk is a good source of fat in the body.

Coconut milk contains various types of fats, such as saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, omega 3, omega 6 fats, and monounsaturated fats.

Fat is not always evil, the body still needs some fat for heart health, brain, body and general health.

Omega-3 fatty acids in coconut milk can also reduce inflammation, as well as cells and lubricate joints.


Savory coconut milk tasted sweet, but actually contains only small amounts of sugar such as glucose and fructose.

Of the entire volume, coconut milk contains only about 1 to 2 percent sugar. The body needs a small amount of sugar to use as energy.


Coconut milk also contains enough calcium. One cup of coconut milk contains about 200 IU of calcium.

The body needs calcium for teeth and bones, and the immune system. Coconut milk also contains various minerals such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and copper.


Levels of the protein in coconut milk is low. Type of protein found in milk, among others, alanine, cystine, arginine, and serene.

The protein is known to easily digested. The body uses protein to maintain and build new cells. Hair, nails, and skin consists mostly of protein.