Diuretic pills or also called water pills help the body get rid of excess salt and water from the blood.
These pills are commonly used to help treat chronic medical conditions such as high blood pressure, and glaucoma.
Diuretic pill side effects depending on the type used and the presence of the patient's medical condition such as kidney and heart disease.
Although most side effects are mild diuretic pills and temporary, but it is still important to know.
Here are some of the side effects of diuretic pills.
1. Increased urination (urinary)
In accordance with the aim to remove excess water from the body, diuretic pills will increase the frequency of urination (urinary).
2. muscle cramps
Thiazide diuretics such pills will reduce the amount of potassium in the blood. This can lead to muscle cramps, especially in the calf area.
3. blood sugar
Increased blood sugar may occur due to consumption of diuretic pills. This condition is caused by sugar in the blood become concentrated due to water loss.
4. dizziness
When taking a diuretic pill, a person with normal blood pressure levels can decrease blood pressure to trigger dizziness and even fainting.
5. abdominal pain
Diuretic pill could potentially cause adverse effects on digestion such as bloating, nausea, or vomiting.
6. rash
People who take the pill diuretics may have an allergic reaction to the active ingredients such as sulfonylureas that trigger skin rashes.
Side effects such as jaundice, dark urine, light colored stools, fever, muscle weakness, or inability to urinate may indicate a serious medical condition and requires immediate treatment.