Scanning X-rays and Cancer Risk - Tips for Safe Chest

Scanning X-rays and Cancer Risk - Tips for Safe Chest
Scanning X-rays and Cancer Risk - Tips for Safe Chest - X-ray scanning technology (x-rays) allows physicians and other health care professionals obtain images inside the body via electromagnetic radiation.

Doctors use X-rays to diagnose tumors, fractures, infections, lung problems, and gastrointestinal problems.

Although it could help diagnose and treat a variety of health conditions, scanning X-ray also has the potential to increase the risk of cancer development.

How it Works

Energy X-rays consist of radiation, which passes through the body. Repeated exposure or high exposure to X-ray radiation can alter the cell division mechanism that could potentially lead to cancer.

The good news, you do not need to worry because the X-ray scanning procedure using only a very small dose of radiation.


Actual humans continuously exposed to low-level radiation from natural radon gas, emissions from aircraft, and other sources.

For comparison, a chest X-ray scanning gives the same radiation exposure to natural radiation exposure obtained during 10 days.


Recommended to record whenever you have an X-ray scan, especially if switching clinics or hospitals. Tell your doctor when you get the last X-ray scanning.

Pregnant woman should notify her pregnancy prior to scanning X-ray. X-ray radiation could potentially disrupt fetal development in the womb.