Tips To Treat Vertigo - Surgery to Overcome Vertigo

Tips To Treat Vertigo - Surgery to Overcome Vertigo
Tips To Treat Vertigo - Surgery to Overcome Vertigo - Vertigo, which is a sensation of dizziness (as if the objects move around), arising from a number of conditions associated with inner ear or damage to the central nervous system.

Depending on the cause, a person may need surgery (surgery) to overcome vertigo.

Surgery for Vertigo

Surgery for vertigo generally be a last resort when other treatments have failed. However, surgery can also be used as a primary treatment.

Vertigo that requires surgery is generally caused by perilymph fistula, which leak fluid in the inner ear.

Being other causes of vertigo as a result of viral infection can not be treated surgically.

Vestibular or inner ear disorders besides reducing auditory function can also cause vertigo.

Determining the Type Surgery

Surgery for vertigo will depend on the cause, physical condition, and whether the patient had previous health problems.

In addition, surgery will also depend on the availability of tools and capabilities that will handle the doctor.

Depending on the cause, surgery to overcome the vertigo will include patching the ear to prevent fluid leaks, patching a hole in the ear canal, eliminating the tumor, lifting the bone, and inserting a tube to normalize the air pressure.

Before deciding to perform surgery (surgery) confirm the diagnosis has been done properly. Consult with an experienced practitioner dealing with vertigo.