Tips Anti-Phobia: The Facts and Information about Claustrophobia

Tips Anti-Phobia - The Facts and Information about Claustrophobia
Tips Anti-Phobia: The Facts and Information about Claustrophobia - A person who has an irrational fear when in small or enclosed place called experience claustrophobia (claustrophobia).

People with claustrophobia felt trapped and like will never be able to get out of certain situations. Claustrophobia is a specific phobia related to anxiety.

Although there is no way to prevent the development of this phobia, with proper care, claustrophobia can be controlled even overcome completely.


Have not found the exact cause of the onset of claustrophobia. Most people develop this phobia because of traumatic events in childhood.

Examples of traumatic events for example been trapped in a small room that leads to extreme anxiety.


Symptoms include claustrophobia including rapid heartbeat, trembling and sweating, shortness of breath, hyperventilation, panic attacks, fainting, nausea, dizziness, headache, and chest pain.

another sign

Someone with claustrophobia would avoid elevators, afraid when all the doors in a closed room, standing close to the exit when the crowd, not willing to get on a plane or train, and even refused to board the car when the traffic was congested.

People with claustrophobia often feel like going to die or become very anxious when it arises attacks.


Claustrophobia can be treated with psychotherapy or counseling to overcome fear.

A variety of techniques can be taken such as relaxation and behavioral therapies, as well as taking anti-depressants or anti-anxiety to treat panic.