Tips Anti Phobias - 5 Ways to Relieve Claustrophobia

Tips Anti Phobias - 5 Ways to Relieve Claustrophobia
Tips Anti Phobias - 5 Ways to Relieve Claustrophobia - Claustrophobia (claustrophobia) occurs when a person has an unnatural fear in narrow or enclosed spaces.

Examples of narrow or enclosed spaces, including basements, tunnels, or a room without windows.

Some people with claustrophobia said it was like approaching the wall and pinning them.

Claustrophobia can also arise when performing certain medical procedures that necessitates such a narrow space when performing MRI.

Until now there is no drug that they really effective for treating claustrophobia. However, there are several types of treatments that can control the condition.

1. Consult with an experienced therapist or counselor facing phobias.

To avoid trial and error, get a reference about phobias good therapist. Make an appointment to meet and evaluate whether they fit with your therapist.

2. Consider doing behavior therapy (behavioral therapy). This therapy is useful for finding the cause of the phobia and learning how to cope.

In this therapy patients are taught how to think positively and learn to suppress anxiety due to claustrophobia.

3. Expose themselves to situations that cause claustrophobia.

This may sound strange, but often exposed to situations that trigger the phobia will make someone trained to cope with the anxiety.

In order to exercise more effective, a counselor should also assist to provide advice and input.

Counselors will also teach relaxation and visualization techniques to control fear.

4. Following neuro-linguistic programming.

This therapy is a form of behavior therapy. In this therapy are taught how to reduce anxiety while in a confined space.

5. Taking drugs such as beta-blockers and anti-depressants to slow the heart rate when the level of anxiety and increased anxiety due to claustrophobia.