Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Method Nicotine Overdose

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Method Nicotine Overdose
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Method Nicotine Overdose - Nicotine overdose caused by excessive exposure to nicotine, usually by swallowing nicotine or contact with skin.

Nicotine can be very toxic to children. Liquid solution containing nicotine is highly toxic and can be fatal.


Common causes of nicotine overdose is when a cigarette butt or chewing nicotine gum (especially in children), skin contact with the liquid nicotine electric cigarette, nicotine-based pesticides, using nicotine patches or chewing gum while smoking.

Exposure Time Period

Symptoms of nicotine overdose occurs within 15 minutes after exposure to the toxic dose of nicotine.

Effects & Symptoms of Nicotine Overdose

Early symptoms of nicotine overdose such as nausea, excessive salivation, abdominal cramps, and sweating.

Symptoms may be more serious that is characterized by severe vomiting, weakness, difficulty breathing, and fainting.

Acute nicotine overdose symptoms include heart palpitations, seizures, and coma. If not treated, this condition can result in death.

Handling Nicotine Overdose

If symptoms of nicotine overdose occurs, immediately telephone your doctor, nearest healthcare center, or emergency room.

Vomiting should not be induced, except when performed by emergency personnel. At low levels of overdose, discontinue exposure is usually enough to deal with the symptoms.

At higher levels of overdose, especially in children, swallowing activated carbon (activated charcoal) or gastric lavage may be necessary. More extreme overdose level generally requires the patient to be hospitalized.