Healthy Fit Tip: Facts & Information Nicotine Addiction Problem

Healthy Fit Tip: Facts & Information Nicotine Addiction Problem
Healthy Fit Tip: Facts & Information Nicotine Addiction Problem - Nicotine is the chemical components found in tobacco cigarettes. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances in the world.

Nicotine addiction affects almost all ages, both teens and adults.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) United States, many smokers actually want to quit but have difficulty due to severe nicotine addiction.

Mortality due to Nicotine

According to NIDA, use of nicotine products, such as cigarettes or tobacco may be chewed, causes the death of approximately 440,000 people in the United States each year.

Twenty percent of all deaths in the United States are caused by nicotine addiction.

Stopping Addiction to Nicotine

Approximately 85 percent of smokers who try to quit smoking fail because of nicotine addiction has been so severe.

According to NIDA, most smokers realize that their lives are at risk, but could not stop because they experience addiction.

Pregnant women who smoke

Pregnant women who smoke cause fetal exposure to high health risks, for example, low birth weight to mental retardation.

A survey estimated that 16 percent of women in the U.S. smoke while they are pregnant.

symptoms of Withdrawal

They are trying to stop the cycle of nicotine addiction is likely to experience one or more symptoms of withdrawal (symptoms of addiction).

People who quit smoking or chewing tobacco can experience depression, increased appetite, anxiety, irritability, and having trouble sleeping.

Nicotine Effects on Dopamine Levels

Such as cocaine, nicotine use will increase the levels of dopamine in the brain, resulting in addiction to maintain these levels.

Like most addictions, more levels will be needed over time to achieve the desired effect.

Deadly dose

Nicotine is more lethal than cocaine or heroin. The body will be resistant to cocaine in doses up to 750-800 mg, a dose of heroin up to 200-500 mg, and 50 mg doses of nicotine only.

The amount of Nicotine in Cigarettes

A cigarette contains about 10 mg of nicotine. Smokers will absorb approximately 1-3 mg of nicotine in each cigarette.

Effect of Nicotine on Health

Long-term use of nicotine would decrease apoptosis, the process by which the body reacts to dead cells.

Disruptions in this process will encourage the growth of cancer. The results also suggest that nicotine contributes to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).


There are several effective treatment for treating nicotine addiction, such as nicotine gum, antidepressant medications, and group therapy.