What is HDL? Understanding the HDL Cholesterol - Healthy Heart Tips

What is HDL? Understanding the HDL Cholesterol - Healthy Heart Tips
What is HDL? Understanding the HDL Cholesterol - Healthy Heart Tips - One type of health screening is often done is to check blood cholesterol levels.

Type of cholesterol which have totaled more cholesterol is HDL (high density lipoprotein) or good cholesterol.

HDL cholesterol serves to cleanse the LDL (Low Density Lipoporotein) of blood, so keep the heart in good shape.

Raise awareness to maintain good cholesterol levels will make you enjoy life more.


Too much LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) can lead to coronary heart disease and heart failure.

Therefore, maintaining levels of HDL more than 50 mg / dL can keep blood vessels healthy.

HDL will clear excess cholesterol that could lead to heart failure or stroke.

Many meals that we consume every day contain chemicals and fats that can cause negative effects in the future.

Function of HDL Cholesterol

How it works is similar to HDL cleaning fluid poured into the channels (blood vessels) are clogged.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in all blood flow and main body cells.

The main organ that controls the absorption and release of cholesterol is the liver. Liver cholesterol binds with proteins, a circle of small spheres called lipoproteins.

Lipoprotein is released into the blood and distributed to the whole body. The cells will discard any excess cholesterol whenever they need it.


Many people who consider all types of cholesterol is evil and should not have excessive cholesterol, when in fact it is not.

HDL cholesterol is the type of cholesterol levels in the body must be more. Many also believe that all cholesterol is bad and should be eliminated.

HDL is the good cholesterol that serves to clean the excess LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream to the liver to be brought back and rehabilitated in the liver.


Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is not only achieved through a healthy, balanced diet but also by improving a healthier lifestyle.

Here are some healthy habits and lifestyle to maintain healthy cholesterol:

- Exercise regularly

- Restrict smoking and alcohol consumption

- Avoid fatty foods

- Taking vitamin supplements and omega 3 fish oil

- Eating foods rich in fiber

Prevention & Solutions

Every individual, whether male or female, must check cholesterol levels at least once every two years.

Men usually have high levels of HDL cholesterol lower than women, so it has a higher risk of heart disease.

With regular checkups, a healthy diet, exercise, and limit the use of alcohol and cigarettes, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease will decrease.