5 Natural Tips on How to Take Care of Lactose Intolerance

5 Natural Tips on How to Take Care of Lactose Intolerance
5 Natural Tips on How to Take Care of Lactose Intolerance - Lactose intolerance is a common condition that occurs in adults and children.

Lactose intolerance occurs because the body's inability to absorb lactose or sugar found in milk.

Fortunately, you can treat lactose intolerance naturally, without the use of drugs.

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, here are some ways to treat this condition naturally.

1. Avoid milk and all dairy products.

Avoid all foods containing lactose is the best way to prevent lactose intolerance. Consume only food that is labeled "non-dairy" or "lactose free."

2. Add as Lactaid enzyme to break down lactose in milk naturally.

Lactaid enzyme can be purchased at drug stores or pharmacies. Combine this enzyme in milk powder a few hours before consumption to allow enzymes to work properly.

3. Consuming dairy products with food.

Many people find that the symptoms of lactose intolerance will be reduced or disappear altogether when they consume other foods along with consumption of dairy products, or cheese.

4. Put cocoa powder (chocolate) milk to reduce lactose intolerance.

Cocoa can slow emptying of the stomach so that alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance.

5. Take supplements for lactose intolerance.

This supplement helps the body create the enzymes needed to digest lactose. Ask your doctor about the appropriate type of supplement.

additional Tips

When avoiding milk, it is recommended to take calcium supplements to replace the calcium that is lost due to not consume dairy products.

Dairy products such as butter and yogurt generally contains lactose amount of milk or other dairy products that are safe for consumption.